Coba Grill Blogs: Teppenyaki plate
3 new innovative ideas using your TeppenyakiPlate or Pizza Stone and the Lotus BBQ Grill

Colourful veggie shewers with a delicious marinade

Recipe : Courtesy of LotusGrill Germany 4 Persons 5 min Grilling time Difficulty : Medium Equipment : The LotusGrill and the LotusGrill Teppanyaki Plate Ingredients (the amounts of each ingredient can be varied according to preference): 3 peppers (green, yellow and red or orange) 2 sweetcorn cobs 2 courgettes (green...
Grilled Bok Choy

Serving: 2 persons Cooking time: 5 minutes Equipment: LotusGrill, Teppanyaki Plate or LotusGrill frying pan Ingredients: 4 fresh baby Bok Choy 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 tablespoon lime or lemon juice 1 tablespoon soy sauce ½ teaspoon crushed black pepper ½ teaspoon garlic powder...
The Lotus BBQ Grill and the Teppanyanki Plate

3 new innovative ideas using your Teppanyaki Plate or Pizza Stone and the Lotus BBQ Grill