Coba Grill Blogs: Bbq beef ribs
How to create a FUN BBQ!

We all love a BBQ, but there are times where you are bored with the same old style of BBQ....always a potato salad or your standard green salad, a piece of steak and maybe a good old sausage...well now is the time to think out of the box. I was...
LotusGrill - The original winter marinade

Ingredients : 3 Apples 1 piece ginger A cube of butter Apple juice and lemon juice Sugar, cinnamon and mustard seeds Just in time for the beginning of the month we have a new marinade for you - this time: The fruity winter edition. All you need are 3...
Know your cuts of meat

Where your steak comes from on the cow can determine how you cook it — dry heat or wet heat. Learn more about the regions of the cow and how a butcher cuts those tasty steaks you see behind the meat counter.
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