Coba Grill Blogs: Barbecue king prawns
How to create a FUN BBQ!

We all love a BBQ, but there are times where you are bored with the same old style of BBQ....always a potato salad or your standard green salad, a piece of steak and maybe a good old sausage...well now is the time to think out of the box. I was...
Fire Etiquette with Hoefats

Fire etiquette: 8 tips for your fire in harmony with nature Fire has always been an integral part of human nature. Vital in the past to keep us warm, cook food or keep animals away, it still inspires a deep sense of security and warmth in us today. But how...
Top 3 Healthy Lotus BBQ Grill healthy eating and recipes

GRILLED SALMON WITH LEMON AND TARRAGON 4 Persons 15 min Grilling time Medium Difficulty Ingredients 4 lemons 4 x approx. 200 g salmon fillets, including skin Freshly ground black pepper Salt 2 tbsp. high-quality olive oil 2 tbsp. good butter 8 little bunches of tarragon Freshly ground red peppercorns Preparation using...
BBQ spots in Hong Kong

Round up your friends, pack your Lotus BBQ Grill, using the easy to carry LotusGrill carry bag and enjoy a sizzling autumn BBQ at one of the many fantastic outdoor barbecue sites across Hong Kong. Don´t forget your LotusGrill beechwood charcoal and for firelighter gel – with all of this...