Coba Grill Blogs: Grill
Fundraiser BBQ...

Hosting a barbecue party can be a great way to raise funds for a good cause and gather people together for a fun event. If you're planning to host a fund raising BBQ in Hong Kong, here are some tips to help you get started:Choose a location: Look for a...
The Cone....Set a new trend...

The charcoal grill with the convenience of a gas grill CONE takes charcoal grills to the next level! Thanks to a simple mechanism, the charcoal grate is directly height adjustable. The higher you move the charcoal grate towards the food, the more heat it gets! If you want to...
Cooking With Gas Can Expose You To An Unhealthy Level Of Air Pollution. Learn About Cooking On A Grill

It is needless to say that cooking on gas may expose you to an unhealthy situation. A big polluter inside your kitchen is the gas stove. A new study has claimed the fact that a gas stove can create unhealthy air pollution. Around two-third of the population use gas stoves...
Are You Putting Your Life At Risk By Using A Gas Stove? Use Charcoal Grills Instead.

Are you fond of eating grilled chicken? Do you prepare it on the gas stove? If yes, then you should know that you are simply putting your life at risk. This is because a gas stove can cause any kind of accident at any time. It may cause severe burns...