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Cooking With Gas Can Expose You To An Unhealthy Level Of Air Pollution. Learn About Cooking On A Grill

It is needless to say that cooking on gas may expose you to an unhealthy situation. A big polluter inside your kitchen is the gas stove. A new study has claimed the fact that a gas stove can create unhealthy air pollution. Around two-third of the population use gas stoves for household cooking purposes without proper ventilation and it increases higher level air pollution inside the house. 

The healthcare specialists are constantly suggesting that people change their cooking habits and use smokeless electronic stoves for cooking, which are healthy and completely safe to use in the indoor kitchen.

Around 62% of the population uses gas burners without a proper venting system and it creates an excessive amount of nitrogen di-oxide, 9% of carbon monoxide which causes severe respiratory problems, asthma and cardiovascular disease. 

There are some people who grill on a gas burner in their home kitchen which is a much more confined space where pollution cannot escape easily, particularly where no ventilation exists. 

Reasons why one should not consider cooking on a gas stove –

  • A gas stove releases unhealthy pollution or gases, noticeably carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. 
  • Homes with gas stoves produce unhealthy gases which is almost 50% higher than that of electronic stoves. If anyone gets exposed to nitrogen oxide, it may cause serious respiratory problems. Even for short-term also, it causes respiratory effects. 
  • If you are having children in your house, they are at high risk of illness associated with gas stove. A gas stove in a house can increase the chances of asthma by 40%.
  • Ventilation is highly important when you are using a gas stove in the home kitchen.  

Coba Grills is an online marketplace where you can avail various sets of grilling stoves at affordable price rates. They are available in various portable shapes and sizes. 


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