Coba Grill Blogs: Barbeque grill hong kong
Fire Etiquette with Hoefats

Fire etiquette: 8 tips for your fire in harmony with nature Fire has always been an integral part of human nature. Vital in the past to keep us warm, cook food or keep animals away, it still inspires a deep sense of security and warmth in us today. But how...

HÖFATS - Spin 120 - Table fireplace for indoor and outdoor use - table fire, wind light, garden torch and bioethanol fireplace made of stainless steel. INNOVATIVE LIGHT: SPIN is a bioethanol-powered table fireplace with a fascinating flame swirl in a decorative glass cylinder with a solid base. SPIN CONVERSATILE:...
Top 3 Healthy Lotus BBQ Grill healthy eating and recipes

GRILLED SALMON WITH LEMON AND TARRAGON 4 Persons 15 min Grilling time Medium Difficulty Ingredients 4 lemons 4 x approx. 200 g salmon fillets, including skin Freshly ground black pepper Salt 2 tbsp. high-quality olive oil 2 tbsp. good butter 8 little bunches of tarragon Freshly ground red peppercorns Preparation using...
LotusGrill - The original winter marinade

Ingredients : 3 Apples 1 piece ginger A cube of butter Apple juice and lemon juice Sugar, cinnamon and mustard seeds Just in time for the beginning of the month we have a new marinade for you - this time: The fruity winter edition. All you need are 3...