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Welcome to Coba-Grills in Hong Kong
Since 2010 Coba Grills Hong Kong, has been exclusively representing award-winning German manufacturers known for their high quality Grills, Innovative Ideas and their smartly developed Accessories in Hong Kong and south of China.
Coba Grills Hong Kong, are the sole agents and importers of the original LotusGrill, accessories and Hoefats products.
Represented under these brands are;
The original smokeless LotusGrill and accessories, Hoefats Grills, Firepits, Fire Spins, specially designed candle holders and the GPF Grill Pan.
All these products are designed in Germany and are winners of many recognized international Awards, such as:
Red Dot Award, Fire & Wood Gold Medal, Design Plus Award and the International BBQ Award.
We sell, maintain and repair the LotusGrill.